Saturday, July 10, 2010

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Busana Wanita

1. Terpenting dalam memilih busana muslim adalah sesuai dengan aturan Islam. Busana Muslim bertujuan untuk menutup aurat dan melindungi tubuh pemakainya dari hal-hal yang bisa mencederai. Oleh karena itu, pilihlah busana yang longgar sehingga menyamarkan siluet tubuh. Begitu banyak model pakaian muslim di butik pakaian/fashion shop.

2. Sebaiknya tidak menggunakan baju ketat yang di double dengan baju lengan pendek, ¾, atau tank top. Jika Anda memilih untuk berbusana muslim maka pilihlah kreasi busana lengan panjang.

3. Pilih model dan bahan baju muslimah yang sesuai dengan aktivitas. Jika banyak beraktivitas pilihlah bahan yang menyerap keringat dan tak mudah kusut, yang terdiri dari atasan dan celana panjang. Tentunya banyak tersedia di butik pakaian/fashion shop. Untuk aktivitas yang lebih banyak diam pengguna busana muslim akan bertambah anggun dengan memakai rok.

4. Dalam memilih busana muslimah, pilihlah penutup kepala/jilbab yang tetap menutup leher. Pelajari berbagai kreasi kerudung yang banyak diinformasikan dalam media massa agar tetap mengikuti mode namun tetap mengikuti aturan agama.

Friday, March 05, 2010

Law of Attraction

There is a considerable amount of material on the Internet concerning the strange world of Quantum Theory and the Law of Attraction. Many authors have noted the fact that an "observer" appears to manifest results in the quantum world and, from this, have concluded this proves we can manifest our reality through visualization and "The Law of Attraction".

First, we must understand clearly what is meant by the "observer" in quantum physics ... it is important. It is not me, sitting at my desk, independent of any apparatus. It is the apparatus I select in order to make an observation of a characteristic of a sub-atomic particle, to test a specific characteristic of that particle (frequency, position / momentum, etc). Using this apparatus, I then make my observation. However, quantum particles are so small that the media I use to make my observation (photons, x-rays, etc) interfere with / modify my observation. For example, if I use light waves (or particles), the wavelength is so large that I can determine little or nothing about a particles position. If I use more powerful (and energetic) x-rays, then I can make a determination of location but now know little or nothing with regard to position. This is the essence of the "Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle".

If I set up an experiment to detect the particle-like nature of light, I confirm particle-like behaviour. If I set up a double slit experiment to test the wave-like character, I confirm it's wave-like nature. If I set up a Compton scattering experiment, I confirm BOTH wave-like and particle-like nature. The experiment appears to dictate the results. More accurately, however, the experiment confirms the limits of our understanding and/or our inability to visualize the sub-atomic realm as compared to the Newtonian Classic realm in which we live. This was summarized (by physicists working on the problem) in the "Copenhagen Interpretation" - simply that we cannot visualize how Quantum Mechanics works, however, it does work and so we will proceed on this basis. (For more information at a laymen's level check out the Dancing Wu Li Masters).

Furthermore, understand that these are experiments to detect and determine the characteristics of one (or relatively few) sub-atomic particles, NOT the macroscopic realm in which we live our existence (comprised of many billions of atoms and molecules). It is much easier to visualize (set up an experiment) to manifest / actualize a sub-atomic particle than manifest $1 million cash.

Secondly, in our macroscopic world, once we begin visualizing desired outcomes (goals), we are potentially interacting / conflicting with others and their desired outcomes (i.e. why can't I win the "1 million lottery?"). It could be that others are visualizing just as hard for a conflicting / diamtrically opposed outcome (i.e. you are visualizing for the same lottery win).

Finally, through Einstein's famous theory (E=mc2), the amount of energy required to manifest a physical object would be huge.

I think the Quantum world (and Quantum Theory) throws our belief system about reality back in our faces but to clip ideas from Quantum theory to support ideas at the macroscopic level is misleading. Yes, it appears (due to our limited understanding of the Quantum World) that an Observer can cause light to display particle-like, wave-like or both particle-like and wave-like characteristics depending on the design of the experiment. However,this can not be legitimately extended to indicate that I can manifest $1 million simply by visualizing it.

Quantum theory does, indeed, have a considerable amount to say with regard to our perception (and philosophy) of reality but too many authors are using it out of context to promote (hype)

As an aside: A movie I thoroughly enjoyed, which explored the surface strangeness of Quantum Theory at a layman's level is Mindwalk.
: 11-16-2009

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